You might be wondering why there wasn’t a blog last week. Honestly? Just plum forgot. I didn’t think that you would mind much though. I mean, what was I going to write about? The gardens are all tucked in and I have taken a breath. That said, here I am, back with Flowers at Lottarock news.
We have been getting good rain. We are still in drought according to the state drought map, but water is flowing in the creeks again, our pond in the donkey paddock is filling, water is flowing over the dam in Peterborough, and the ground is starting to feel soft when we take the dogs for their morning walk. All good signs in this flower farmer’s eyes.
I have finally gotten all the tender bulbs safely tucked in for the winter. The dahlias are labeled and in their pine shavings, the peacock orchids are now in their storage container and now I will just have to check on them every few weeks to make sure they are not rotting or too dry. Speaking of dahlias, a flower grower in Maine is selling their excess stock starting on December 1 so I am hoping to score some interesting varieties for this coming year. Yikes! Not that far away.
The seed catalogs are starting to rock in, finally. I am madly going through this year’s notes, seeing what I can grow more of, what not to bother with and what new varieties wow me.

I am going to try to place my seed orders as quickly as possible. Last year there was such a shortage because of the pandemic, everyone was wanting seeds. Flower, vegetable and herb so in order to get the best selection I am just going to play it safe. I will top up if I have to for those last minute ahah’s but hopefully that will be kept to a minimum.
I still have to go through all the ranunculas and anemone tubers and get them sorted out. I dug them out finally a few weeks ago and there they sit in the dirty room, looking at me like why have I forgotten about them? It is to rain again tomorrow so that will be a good time to make a mess.
I leave you with a photo from my brother’s taken the other day, overlooking the valley with the Christmas trees heavy with the previous day’s rain.

So until next time. Allie