What a crazy week this last week has been. Seeding and transplanting in the greenhouse, making garden beds ready for flowers when the time comes to plant them out and the biggest achievement, cleaning out the tool shed because that is where you all will be coming to select your flowers when the time comes.
So here is a before photo that Steve took of the tool shed. It was a catch all for just about everything. It still has to be a tool shed, but we also store the donkeys’ feed and hay in there, plus the mower, plus everything one needs for gardening and farming. Lets just say that this project was a two day project and will be at least two trips to the dump on Wednesday.

What a mess. Mess, yes, but I knew where just about everything was. Now that it is all organized, by Steve, I hope I will be able to quickly find things. It certainly does look better though and now we will be able to walk through it. And, I have an open bench to use as a floral workstation.

Back to flowers. Mother nature seems to be confused this April. We are having more winter like weather now in April that we did in March. And snow is in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow morning. Any of the daffodils that are at the gooseneck stage are going to be cut tonight. I just can’t take the chance that the snow will not flatten them. So keep you eyes open for a newsletter to let you know if I have enough for anyone on Tuesday.
The Anemones are slowly flowering, and the ranunculas are starting to bud. They aren’t showing color yet and if we get some nice days soon that might happen. The tulips are looking good and strong, and The sweet peas are looking very cold.
Here is this morning’s bouquet, and just think, soon, you to might have a bouquet to grace your table. That is if the weather cooperates and you have purchased your card (subscription).

Keep your eyes open for the newsletter. ‘Til next time. Allison